Corona 4-8-2024

Corona 4-8-2024

This a composite of 12 images ranging from 1/ 1,000th sec to 2 seconds. Imaged from my observatory near Bloomington In with a TEC 110 refractor. The imaging session was automated with the help of Solar Eclipse Maestro software while Kris and I hand fired the shutters on 2 other telescope rigs simultaneously.

Continuum Composite

Continuum Composite

This 35 image composite of the continuum from the diamond ring, to Bailey’s beads, prominences, and the chromosphere displays images spaced 1 second apart. The center was extracted from a corona image photographed mid-eclipse. Photographed at my observatory using an Astro-Physics 155 f/7 refractor 4-8-2024.

Bailey's Beads

Bailey's Beads

Beads of light from the sun are shining between the peaks and valleys of the moon just before totality. .Photographed with an Astro-Physics 155 f/7 refractor.

Chromosphere and Prominences

Chromosphere and Prominences

This is a composite of 2 images from the 2024 solar eclipse photographed from my observatory near Bloomington, In. The prominences were spectacular. Photographed with an Astro-Physics 155 f/7 refractor.

Bailey's Beads

Bailey's Beads

Beads of light from the sun are shining between the peaks and valleys of the moon just before totality ends. Photographed with an Astro-Physics 155 f/7 refractor.

Diamonds, Corona, and Earthshine

Diamonds, Corona, and Earthshine

This composite contains shots of the first and second diamond rings along with the 12 image corona composite that was made previously. All photographed at my home observatory near Bloomington, In with a TEC 110 refractor.